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Blooming Blossoms Trust

In 2022 Trust 2000 donated £1500 to the Blooming Blossoms Trust - here they explain the difference this funding has made 

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The Feeling Walking Talking Garden

We are so grateful to the Trust 2000 for funding £1500 towards our Feeling Walking Talking Sensory Garden. The sensory equipment and space was used by over 72 children since we have received your kind grant in February. It helped them regulate when they were feeling anxious and distressed or over stimulated. Your funding also enabled us to leverage match funding and we now have a delightful sensory garden, and still adding more fun and educational sensory equipment. We look forward to welcoming even more children who will enjoy this facility after school and during weekends. The grant is a gift that keeps giving.


The idea of a sensory garden is that plants, hard landscaping and other garden materials and toys are selected for their appeal to all five senses with the aim of offering a richer and perhaps more therapeutic and educational experience.

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Case Study

Joseph was a normal 7 year old, developing well and thriving in school. His life was interrupted by a stroke when he was seven, which paralyzed his right side of his body. Once he recovered from the stroke, he was faced with the giant task of regaining movement in the right side of his body, subject to intense continuous therapy. He was determined to work hard so that he could be a normal boy again, to play ball, bike and to write. But progress was extremely slow and he often became tired and frustrated to tears. His parents worked hard to motivate him to continue his exercises, but last summer he reached a standstill, refusing to cooperate.


When Blooming Blossoms opened our garden for sensory therapy, Joseph was one of the first users referred to our care. Seeing the garden equipment excited him and he was keen to try them all out. He attended garden sessions four times a week, and has achieved ‘remarkable progress’ (Dr Cohen) since he began. At Happy Haven he also attends Speech and physio Therapy and Sunday-Funday sessions and is slowly regaining more and more movement in his right hand and leg. ‘I thought I will never be like other boys again, but now I believe that the day will come’ (Joseph)


When I was growing up I dreamed of a tree house, cocooned high between leaves and branches.  In my imagination I would escape there each time I was sad, frightened or disappointed.  But as an inner-city girl, this treehouse remained only in my dreams and storybooks.

Now I have an even better ‘escape house’.  It’s called The Feeling Talking Walking Garden and it welcomes me with open arms every day after school. Gardening is a most delicious means of releasing tension and expressing my feelings. Thank you for giving me this tool for life!  (Annie, 11)



Donors like you help make provide therapy sessions and outdoor garden fun accessible to all children thereby giving every child a chance to succeed despite financial and learning limitations


Thank you Trust 2000 for your partnership and support!

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