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Women For Women, India

In 2018 Trust 2000 awarded £940 to WFW to provide essential lab equipment for 60 young girls studying for a diploma course in Nursing - read more information below taken from their final report

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Women for Women (WFW) is a grass root level voluntary organization working for the all round development of women in the rural and tribal villages of Thiruvannamalai district, Tamilnadu state in India. One of the thrust areas of WFW is education of the girl child. In so doing WFW lays particular emphasis on providing for the higher/professional education of girl children. WFW believes that it is only through education progress could be made in the lives of women. Hence WFW has been trying its level best to contribute to the education of girl children in the rural villages. Towards this end WFW has organized a Diploma Course in Nursing through the acquisition of St. Mary’s School of Nursing from the founders of the school. The school has been functioning since 2013 under the auspices of WFW. 60 girls with 12th standard qualification and in the age group 18 to 25 years are studying in diploma course this school. The School of Nursing had been functioning under acute financial constraints and was lacking essential equipments and materials that are absolutely needed for organizing the diploma course. The requirements are mainly in relation to the laboratory.

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In an attempt to solve the problem and fulfill the need, WFW wrote up a project and submitted the project to Trust 2000, United Kingdom. The project was considered favourably by Trust 2000 and a sum of £940 was sanctioned to WFW. WFW had implemented the project as per the proposal.


Women for Women is happy to acknowledge that the laboratory of St. Mary’s School of Nursing is now complete with the all the essential supplies added to it. This has been made possible with the timely help of Trust 2000, UK and hence WFW makes it a point to thank Trust 2000 on behalf of the staffs and students of St. Mary’s School of Nursing and the committee members of WFW.

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